Zugster Bags is a tiny, one-man operation, making durable cycling-oriented bags one at a time, by hand. While I used to manage a custom order queue (which at its peak had a wait time of 3-4 years), I no longer do so. The only way to obtain a Zugster is to purchase it directly via the Zugster Store. I typically post bags for sale online within 24 hours of completing them. If you want to know immediately when new stock is available, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or add the blog to your RSS feed reader.


Mail: info@zugsterbags.com
Twitter: zugsterbags
Instagram: zugsterbags
Flickr: zugster
Facebook: Zugster Bags

Pinterest: Zugster Bags

Zugster Bags is located in San Francisco, CA, and is not open to the public. The best way to contact me is via email. I try to answer all email promptly, but sometimes I’m on vacation, or one just gets away from me.


All material on this website is © 2008-2013, Zugster Bags. All Rights Reserved. No material may be republished for any purpose, in any media, without written permission. Design, photography, and coding by Adam Alpern.

MultiCam® is a registered trademark of Crye Precision™, LLC.
Cordura® is a registered trademark of Invista™.

Technical Bits

This site is implemented in Textpattern, with the help of the Bootstrap library, and hosted by Dreamhost. All code edited in GNU Emacs. Textpattern plugins: tru_tags, ajw_comments_feed, dru_random_image, rss_suparchive, ako_social, hak_article_image, kml_twitter, jmd_sitemap, smd_slimbox

In most instances, including on the physical labels, the Zugster logo is set in Century Gothic. In other places on this website and other Zugster materials, it is rendered in Miso, a wonderful construction/architectural typeface by MÃ¥rten Nettelbladt.



